Master's Projects at Columbia University
The Individual Effects of Mass and Inertia on Gait Parameters in Human Walking (Master's Thesis)
Humans perform two tasks while walking: 1. Supporting the body-weight in the vertical direction and 2. Propelling the inertial mass in the direction of motion. I conducted experiments with the Active Tethered Pelvic Assist Device (A-TPAD) robotic platform developed by the people at the ROAR lab to try and isolate the effect of these two tasks on healthy human gait. Several methods of data collection were used including EMG sensors, Metabolic cost measurement, Motion Capture cameras and Force Plates to capture ground reaction forces in order to characterize the gait parameters.
The paper written for this project was presented at the BioRob 2018 conference. A follow-up article with the same title was published in IEEE RA-L in 2019.
Researchers: Keya Ghonasgi, Jieyon Kang, Sunil Agrawal
​Picture taken at ROAR Lab, CUMC
Iron Lass - A simulated Flying Robot
(Course Project)
Iron Lass came to exist as a group project (for the course Advanced Robotics). We analyzed the underactuated motion of a 3 degree of freedom planar flying robot. The realistic model of the Iron Lass was simulated using Mathematica and Matlab.
In this simulation, she is shown to fly through some floating hoops by burning fuel, propelling herself either upward (against gravity) or rotating her body in the plane.
Team members: Keya Ghonasgi, Danielle Stramel
Pumpkin Spice Robot - A 3D pumpkin carving robot (Course Project)
The Pumpkin Spice Robot was a group project (for the course Introduction to Robotics). We designed and simulated a 5 degree of freedom robot with a knife end effector to carve the pumpkin so that the end effector always enters the pumpkin normal to its surface. We used the DH parameters and the Jacobian to fully describe the robot as required by the course. We used Matlab for the simulation.